We ship our packages with postal services of Poczta Polska SA* and proceed tracking numbers to customers. Delivery time for Poland is usually 3-7 days, for Europe it is 1-3 weeks.

You can check status of your delivery here:

*Polish post office is not responsible for the improper functioning of the foreign establishments, for example, the inability to trace the packages outside of Polish territory. Sometimes it happens that shipment number doesn’t work, in this case your package can be somewhere between Poland and territory of your country, so outside of your Post office region.

SHIPPING TO USA and outisde Europe
For customers from USA – delivery time from Poland is around 4-8 weeks so we kindly ask that you please wait until at least 8 weeks before contacting us. The USPS has decided not to track the foreign shipment from some countries, including Poland, so, unfortunately, tracking numbers will not work. 

Same applies to most regions outside Europe, like Canada, Australia, countries of South America, Africa and Asia.

Shipping costs are always calculated and shown when you place your order. Remember, the time of your delivery depends on your location (place of residence). Sometimes it takes 2 – 8 weeks. You can check status of your delivery on your post office tracking site.