Frequently Asked Questions

What supplies do you use?


I am currently using Daniel Smith, Roman Szmal, Mijello Mission Gold and Finetec Coliro Gold set.

I use Holbein Acryla gouache and sometimes Winsor and Newton Designers Gouache (not a big fan of this one).

Acrylic Paints
I use mainly Golden, the quality is exquisite.

I use too many to name. I mainly use Winsor and Newton and Escoda sable hair brushes. W&N squirrel hair brushes as well as a few other synthetic brushes for gouache and acrylics.

I use Baohong ans Arches for a lot of my paintings.

I've been using the Paul Rubens sketchbook for a while and I like it for its smooth paper. I like how good watercolor and gouache looks on it. I have started using a Stillman & Birn Beta Series sketchbook recently. For casual sketching I use Talens Art Creation sketchbook.

Other Supplies I Use Often
- Prismacolor Col-Erase Pencil (love sketching witch them)
- Pentel Brush Pen
- Sakura Micron Pen
- UniPOSCA 0.7mm White

- iPad Pro 12.9" with Procreate
- Huion Kamvas Pro 19

Where are you based?

I live in Gliwice, Poland

Did you go to art school? / Do I need to go to one to be an artist?

I am primarily self taught. I studied traditional graphics in Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, Poland. I did a diploma in linocut. I don’t think schooling is necessary but it can be beneficial for learning techniques. Art school isn’t for everyone, I struggled a lot while studying because of the “style” I have and the topics I cyrcle around when creating. When I was studying professors told me fantasy and tattoo like art is not good for Art Academy and I need to create art that is expresive and have a good explenation why I am making stuff. Making art because it makes you happy is not good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . This is just my opinion and experience.